The love of my life - Part 1
I was always a very shy person growing up, but Christ brought some special people into my life since getting to know Him on a personal level. One such special person is my wife Debbie. I met her on the docks of Port Elizabeth where we were both volunteering on the MVS Doulos. She had long flowing hair and the hugest smile ever coupled with the most incredibly beautiful face. The first time I saw her was love. I knew then what 'love at first sight' meant. well lets put it this way, I met her, she does not remember meeting me. Two years later we met again at a YFC (Youth for Christ) camp in Magaliesberg. I knew then that God had placed this woman in my path as she literally came to the camp for the day and I saw her amongst 1200 young people outside the tabernacle. Again she has no recollection of this meeting, But I stuck to my guns and continued to be as charming as ever.
Debbie started working for YFC, which meant that i would get to see her more often as my group of friends also were involved in YFC. So Debbie, Robyn, Avril, Cecil and I became good friends and got to hang out quite a lot.

We eventually 'connected' at my ex-girlfriends 21st birthday party. We danced the whole night and getting to look at her amazing beauty the whole night certainly was a bonus. The fact that we both loved God was the major bonus and everything was just right. I knew then for sure that we were meant to be together.
Debbie brings me great joy and getting to live life with her is amazing. This year, 2018, we get to celebrate 28 years of marriage. We are so blessed. There have been many hardships along the way but God has brought us together and we have been amazed at His provision and blessing through it all.
She is the most amazing mom who loves her kids to death. Just this week Jesse had to go to Johannesburg, Jason is housesitting and with Ashleigh living on her own the house is quiet. She feels so lost as she just wants to care for her kids. Thank heavens for our little Yorkie who has now become the Object of Affection. I just LOVE her to bits.