My kids, My Adults - Part Jason

Jason in Grade 7 at Sea Point Primary receiving an award.
An Outshoorn Ostrich Farm visit
 Jason is such a special son.  I have such varied memories of Jason as he has grown up.  One of the earliest ones certainly was when he was a baby, he would want mommy's milk a lot.  Whenever he would wake up at night after feeding he would cry non-stop.  One night I eventually pushed him in his pram through to the lounge and closed the door.  He cried for 2 -3 minutes solid before I fetched him.  I think that may have scarred him for life.  That was when I realized that raising kids was not for sissies.

He spent his primary school life at 2 schools, viz Star of the Sea and Sea Point Primary School.  At both schools he excelled academically and by the time he got to Sea Point he was doing exceptionally well.  He often finished top of the class receiving various merit awards for his efforts. 
Shamwari Game Reserve. Happiness

 Being shyish in primary school certainly changed when he got to high school.  At Westerford High School his life changed in so many ways.  He discovered his love for God here and with the support of guys like Garrett and Roger.  Watching him change was amazing.  He was never a bad kid but his character and love had grown.  However his academics had suffered in high school as he really suffered from FOMO.  He always had to be where the action was and always felt left out if the action was somewhere else.  It was also in Grade 11 that he learnt to play the guitar.  His gradual progression through the guitar ranks led to start leading worship at Common Ground Church.  He progressed from leading worship using the acoustic guitar to using an electric guitar.  His playing improved by the day and as his confidence grew, so did his style. 

Matric dance with Amy Fourie.

 he started experimenting with new ways of doing old choruses and it worked.  Listening to him play has become such a pleasure. 
Leading worship at Common Ground Church

We are so super proud of him.  In 2013 however suffered his first of 3 Epileptic Seizures.  The first 2 happened within 3 months of each other and the 3rd one almost 3 years later.  I don't understand too much of things medical but it always alarms me that the doctors want to take him off medication when they've only just put him back on.  The one good thing for us and not so good thing for him is that they said he should not participate in any alcoholic activity.

 Another one of Jason's passions is surf coaching.  He loves kids and being in a position of surf coach encourages his passion.  Jason is naturally loud and since coming to know the Lord his extrovertedness has helped in his coaching.  He is able to command attention of up to 80 young people at a time and is often called upon to lead these large groups with a team of other coaches.  They get paid shocking salaries but at least it supplements the small amount of pocket money that I can afford to give him.  Here he is coaching his nephew Rylie with his cousin Richard looking on.  Below he is seen coaching a local celebrity and being filmed for a television program.  When he comes home after a coaching session or sessions he is absolutely exhausted and takes a nap for an hour or so.  

So this is my second son who is now 23 at he time of writing this blog.  He is due to finish up his studies this year.  He is studying Organisational Psychology and will finish his Degree this year.  As the years have gone by from Primary to High School and University, his desire to educate himself has gotten better and better and his marks has improved as well.
Passion, Surf Coach

We are super proud of this young man who is destined for greatness.  God has bestowed on him an amzing gift of leading worship.  My prayer for him is that God would open doors to use him in a way that would affect and influence many people.


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