London is calling - Part 2

This whole Visa thing can be quite stressful.   Our planning for the application of our visas was rather stressful on me, I think I aged about 10 years.  When applying for our Schengen Visas a few years, most of the groundwork was done by the travel agent so all Debbie and I had to do was show up at the Embassy and present ourselves and our passports, it was that easy.

This time around however,w hen we applied online they asked a lot of questions and thankfully we could get a letter from Renata stating that she will cover all our expenses.  The applications are done online and so is the payment with the Visa costing R1522 per person.  Once you've paid they send you a checklist which has to accompany your passport when you go in to do the handover of documents.  This is where my stress levels went through the roof as according to the list you had to bring a mountain of documents with you.  Everyone that's been also tells you to take a whole mountain of paperwork with you.  Debbie and I quarrelled about this because I said yes we have to do this and that, but my wise wife said just do this.  So we literally took the bare minimum of paperwork with us.

Our appointment at the TLS Company was funny, because when I took out our paperwork, the lady who helped us said "Is this all you attaching?"  My heart skipped a beat but it was too late to turn around now.  I think I lost a few kg's that morning.  Debbie kept telling me that I am stressing too much.  There's not a lot once can do once everything has gone in and the wait was quite something for me.

Well 2 weeks later and we get an e-mail notifying us to collect our passports.  I was not sure personally about the whole Visa thing when Debbie and I went to collect the passports I was fumbling like hell.  Opening our passports and seeing the Visa in our passports was like a dream.  I was so thankful.

Finally I could say, WE ARE GOING TO LONDON!!!!!!  Only a few friends knew about this trip and supported us wholeheartedly.  Now we can officially splash it out on Social Media.  We are going with the bare minimum of finances but we are going nonetheless.  I am officially excited to be going overseas with my family.

I will report back on our journey which starts in June.  Debbie, Jason and I fly on TAAG (Angolan Airlines via Luanda and Lisbon.  We then catch a connecting flight from Lisbon to London on BA and that flight is on Business Class.  Cant wait for the spoils.  Jesse and Ashleigh fly Qatar Airways to London via Doha.

Renata has scheduled a family meeting on Friday 29th at 14h00 to discuss our responsibilities for the wedding and our itinerary for our stay.  Its gonna be good.


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