London is calling - Part 1

There are a couple of issues here regarding our trip. 

Firstly the pound is ridiculous and the thought of paying  R30 for a can of Coke is absurd or R60 for a cup of coffee is crazy. 

Anyway lets back peddle for a bit before i get depressed.  I am a bit of a competition junkie, ever since high school when i won my first prize which was a pencil sharpener when I was in Standard 5 (Grade 7). In matric, i won a brand new car which I gave to my dad.  It was the first brand new car he ever owned.  fast forward a few years and we won a trip to Europe on a Meditteranean Cruise followed closely by a prize to Shamwari Game Reserve for our whole family for 4 days.  2 Flat screen TV's and some jewellery and stuff and the list goes on.  

In October of 2017 BP ran a competition to win 300 000 Avios points.  So hold that thought for just a moment as every time that i fill my car up I get to go into the draw.  My sister called me in December to tell me about this wedding which is happening.  (See previous Blog).  We are all excited about this but nobody knows how much bucks this trip is going to cost.  2 days after the call from my sister I get notified by BP that I won the main prize.  What a blessing is that.  However the only place that the Avios really works for us is on British Airways and there were no flights to the UK available.  But we get to fly from Lisbon to London, Business Class for only R800 return.  A huge thanks to my son Jesse who has done all the arrangements for this trip.  He has been amazing.

Debbie, Jason and I will fly on TAAG Airways (Angolan Air) from Cape Town to Luanda then onto Lisbon.  We will then catch a connecting flight to London on BA from there to arrive in London on June 28.  Jesse and Ashleigh will fly on Qatar Airways via Doha and arrive a day later.  Its a pity we could not all fly on the same flight but passports and other stuff caused a problem with our bookings.  So in total our flights are costing us R42000 which is a saving of R25000 as flying at that time is peak flying time.

The excitement in our home is tangible.  My dream as a dad was always to travel with our children and its finally coming through.  The cost is beyond me but to give my children the opportunity to see the world or a portion of it at least means the world to me.  I hope tht this experience will ignite a passion for them to want to travel someday.  If God blesses me abundantly, I would also like to tracel around Italy with them.  So far on our trip we have been given many ideas for when we are in London, the ones that particularly interests us is the 4 hour boat cruise on the Thames River and a trip on the London Eye which is about 35 pounds.  1 or 2 museums (because its free) and definitely a breakfast somewhere with a view.  I am willing to pay for that.  According to my calculations that is going to cost me at least R1000, just for the breakfast.  But that is what we do here in Cape Town so why not carry on that tradition in London.




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