My kids, My Adults - Part Jesse

So the baby was born in 1998. Jesse certainly arrived into our lives like a bomb. He certainly was the most helpful and often when we had to leave the kids at home alone Jesse would step up to the plate as the most responsible one. We often had to leave our kids home alone during school holidays even though all of them were under the age of 10. Jesse would make lunch for the other 2 even though he was only 5 years old. One thing about Jesse was that he could talk, A LOT. Whenever we went out to the shops or anywhere for that matter, he just seem to have an endless supply of words. One day I asked him to read all the adverts in the motoring magazine. And so started his passion for cars. He knew that every Tuesday, a new FREE magazine would come out and he would want to walk to the shop to check out the new stuff. I bred a new kind of animal by doing this. Jesse would learn all about cars this way. He went to 3 primary schools, Star of the Sea, Sea Point Primary and Rosebank Junior. By the time he reached Rosebank Junior he was given the keys to the gate. Unlike his brother and sister, Jesse applied to high schools on his own and merely asked me to sign the forms. He got accepted at St.Josephs in Rondebosch and never looked back. He did however feel in Grade 9 that he, along with his fellow class were being marginalized by the teachers and wanted to leave. Again he applied on his own to move to another high school. He set up a meeting with the Principal of the School Mr Grove, to discuss his grievances. At the end of the meeting Mr Grove requested him to stay as he thought at that point in time that Jesse was Head Boy material. Jesse stayed and eventually became the Headboy in 2015. Jesse passed matric with 5 distinctions and has now gone on to study towards a BComm Acc degree towards a career as a Chartered Accountant. At his matric dance I arranged an Aston Martin for him to use for the night. Unlike the other matriculants he got to keep the car the whole night and drove his partner around and eventually got home at 2am. I didn't sleep much as it is an expensive car. He loved it and will always remember that night.
When my kids got their drivers licences, I bought all of them a car, not an expensive car, second hand ones but a car nonetheless.
Jesse got a hand me down from Jason, a Honda with pop up lights which he disliked immensely. He sold it, bought a Jetta, sold that, bought a Fox, sold that, bought a Corsa, swopped with his sister, sold that Honda, bought a Corsa, sold that and bought a Polo, sold that and now bought a Honda from Debbie's sister. He started out with a R15k car and now has a R100k car in the space of just over 2 years. All we've done is input R13k. His entrepreneurial skills has come to the fore. My fear now is that this one is going to go soon. Oh heaven help us.
Jesse has always cared about us as parents a lot. He always liked to be with us. If we were going anywhere even to the Waterfront he would jump in and come along and just care enough to hang on to his mom. I always wished that one day he would meet a young lady so that she would know what it would feel like to be treated like a gentleman. Jesse has so much to give everyone apart from monetary stuff. As I typre this I am glad to report that he has met a lovely lady and he is officially a boyfriend. He has a new sparkle in his eye and you can see the difference in him. His love for God is evident in his life and his involvement in the youth on Friday night has led him to meet this lovely Christian girl.
Both my sons are committed Christians but in different congregations in our church.Jesse is a natural leader and it has shown in his ability to take charge of any situation from being involved at the table selling CD's at the Folk Festival to being on the organisational team at the schools Jazz Festival to being the PA to the Festival Director of the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. He takes his job seriously. God has blessed this boy with an amazing talent and I am sure that he will go very far in life. I pray that I will live long enough to see him succeed beyond his wildest dreams.
Jesse, give it horns by boy and just Let God. He is blessing you daily.
I love you to bits.