My kids my adults - Part Ashleigh

I met a guy many years ago in Jhb, named Peter Karadas.  He had a daughter called Ashleigh.  I loved that name so much Itold Debbie that if we ever had a daughter, I would name her Ashleigh.  Any other kids could be named by Debbie, but my daughter would be Ashleigh.

I remember watching her being born, when the Dr delivered her, I just burst into tears.  Tears of joy I must add but tears nontheless.  She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen, even my friend Avril said so.  All babies look like prunes to me but Ash was so beautiful.  Amazingly she had blond hair and amazing blue eyes.  She was such an easy baby, even sleeping through the night at 6 weeks of age.

This undoubtedly is and always will be my favourite picture of Ashleigh.  She would often just walk around our garden mumbling away even when she couldn't speak.  She was always a shy child and a real mom and dad's girl.  This pic was taken at our friends Cathy and Warren's home in Jhb.   Throughout Primary and High School she always worked hard, or so we thought and always ended in the top percentage of her class. We even moved house because she wanted to go to an all girl high school.  She passed matric very well and obtained a bursary to study towards a B Comm Acc Degree.  She eventually obtained her Honours at the University of Cape Town in 2015 and graduating in 2016.  We are so very proud of her achievements.

Your kids are always your kids and when Ashleigh came to us at the end of her University life to tell us that wants to move out it came as a huge shock.  Shock turned to excitement as she ventured out.  We always thought that she would stay home for a while to save money while doing her Articles but she had other ideas. She passed both her Board exams and is now in her 3rd year at Price, Waterhouse Coopers as a Senior Associate.  She would need to start making some decisions regarding her future at the end of the year.  I would love for her to go and experience life overseas anywhere and to travel a bit before knuckling down to her career.  
Ashleigh will always be my baby.  If she calls for anything I jump.  Debbie says that she has wrapped me around her finger.  So what, who cares.  My baby will always be my baby.  She has been blessed with good health and her latest venture into dancing has been awesome.  She is just beginning and has progressed so fast.  She has come out of her shell a lot and has a good positive mental attitude.  Thank you pumpkin for being a blessing and for achieving what you set out to do.  You future is looking bright and mom and I are always here walking alongside you. 
She's going to hate me for doing this but here she is doing her first dance exam.  

Love you madly.


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