Love of my Life - Part 2

I have often wondered how different our lives could have been if we mad e small decision earlier in our lives.  

Many years ago, I was faced with a decision of going into full-time ministry, the choice was East London or Johannesburg.  I spend a lot of time deliberating, praying and seeking counsel so as to make the correct decision.  God laid on my heart that Johannesburg was where I had to go.  That decision ultimately decided a course which God had designed for me.

During this time in Jhb (Johannesburg), I had cemented my friendship with my now wife, Debbie.  I shudder to think how much could have changed if God had pushed the East London button.  God knew what my life required as far as a partner was concerned.  Meeting Debbie was one of the best decisions that I could have made, ever.  I mean lets just put this in perspective, I am no Painting at all.  Debs is really beautiful and she could have chosen any guy out of a million.  She ha the world at her feet and yet, she chose me.  My life had changed.  Before we dated we developed our friendship and the minute we started dating in September of 1989 I knew that this was the woman that God had set out for me to marry. My only regret was not being romantic with my proposal.  I think I was too nervous and did not want it to be too official just in case she said no.

Popping the question to her parents was not easy.  As a mixed married couple, we were aware that her parents might raise an objection.  We decided that we would not ask the question but rather just present ourselves as a couple getting married and whether we had their blessing.  It was a nerve wrecking evening over dinner as both of tried to conjure up the courage to talk about our love.  It ended up being really easy as her Dad gave us his blessing almost immediately.  Debbie's mom said yes but with some reservations.   

We had a small wedding 8 months later with the reception for about 60 people at Debbie's dad's home.  My dad could not make the trip, which was sad but my mom and family came up to celebrate with us. I must be honest and say that the entire day was a blur, it went by so quickly that I have to look through our wedding album to remind myself of just what happened.  I remember that our wedding meal cost us R3.85 per head as it was bobotie (I think) made for us by Mrs Aldridge, who was a friend of mine's mom.  

Our honeymoon night was spent in the JHB Sun Hotel which was very nice.  We then went to the Drakensberg Sun hotel, Fish River Sun Hotel, my parents house in Port Elizabeth and to Carmel Guest Farm.  I think we traveled too much in too short  a space of time. We eventually just decided to go back to Jhb to our little flat in Berea.  

Our life together has been an interesting tale from experiencing accommodation challenges in areas like Berea, Yeoville and even Hillbrow.  You might be flabbergasted at that, but in the late 80's and early 90's these were very good areas to live in.  We eventually moved around quite a lot.  From Berea to Yeoville to Edenvale, again to Edenvale then Cape Town.  Started our lives in Muizenberg for a month, the Heathfield for 6 months, then Fishhoek, then Fishhoek again where we stayed for 10 years.  From Fishhoek to Rondebosch (so that we could get our daughter into an all girls school), then back to Plumstead, Plumstead again and now in Lakeside.  We have moved a lot and have become experienced in this, but my greatest desire is to be able to buy my wife a home.  

She's the Love of my Life and deserves so much more.  We take things for granted when we have them and often complain about stupid things.  But at the end of the day we have each other and the support of our kids.  I do believe that God will make a way one day soon to grant us the desires of our heart.  


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