My Family, My other sister - Part 1

I had an interesting childhood. My earliest memories were actually that of stealing an eraser from a hardware store and then getting caught. I never walked past that hardware store again, EVER. I have some vague memories which involved meeting my new sister. Now that sounds strange but yes, its true. There was a time suddenly in my early teens when my parents started fighting a lot. The arguments were endless. My father in the heat of arguments would throw things out the back door. Nothing was spared, first the kettle, then pots, then plates and even the kitchen chairs, of which there were only 2, but they went. All I could remember was the name Edith. Edith whoever she was certainly caused a few problems in my home. I could never work out what on earth was going on but always thought whey does Edith not come and make herself known here. So it turns out that prior to my Dad and Mom dating my dad (according to him) had a ...