What blog is this?

Oh my shattered nerves, the urge to write something down on paper came and then suddenly by sheer accident I stumbled on this old blog of mine.  Juslaik, reading through this has made me all nostalgic, remembering an awesome time spent with my wife. 

I'm thinking about how special it was to have the opportunity to travel.  When we got back from this trip, we would constantly chat to our kids (now Adults) about just how awesome it was to adventure into other countries 'overseas' nogal.  we marvelled at the history and often spoke to them about our listening to foreign accents and seeing things from a different angle.  Our young ones would retort with "Ag here we go again' 

My dream after this trip was to take my kids and go 'overseas' together as a family.  now you have to understand that taking 3 grown up, fully grow  sperm cells on any trip is going to cost an arm and a leg.  This has always detered (i don't know how to spell that sorry) me and put the brakes on any trip.  Travelling locally had its challenges too.  Firstly, fitting my large boned children, well the boys anyway, into one car would always be difficult. 

The last family roadtrip we were on, I borrowed a larger car and all i can say is that the BMW no matter how luxurious is not a comfortable car for for a long trip.  You may look cool and larny getting out of this car, but the bum definitely pains and walking like John Wayne, certainly must look damn funny.  The complaints coming from the back of the car was astounding.  But I digress.  My promise then was to always go anywhere in 2 cars.  We cannot subject ourselves to this type of torture.

Anyway the dream continues.  My sister, who lives in London, has been dating a guy for something like 15 years or more.  Eventually after years of dating and 2 lovely children later they decided to get engaged.  No let me say that this was approximately 4 years ago.  Our excitement to get and and go, got up and went, as they kept postponing the darn engagement.  In anticipation of this trip after the first announcement, I sold my car and bought a cheaper one so that money could be placed in a savings account.  Savings, I ask you what was that.  So when they postponed the darn thing, there went the so called savings, Ai Tog.  Life happened and there went our savings.  Another car was bought and we carried on with our lives. 

Fast forward a few years, months, weeks and days (we will not get into hours) and we received a call from my sister to proudly announce that they WILL definitely be getting married.  Long discussions were had via WhatsApp Video Call, where they spoke of a Skype type of agreement where we could participate in the wedding via the Airwaves. 

The Bible in the book of James speaks about the tongue having a mind of its own.  I think that James wrote that just for me as I piped up something like this "What are you talking about Skype, we are not going to watch this wedding via Skype, don't be Mental, we are coming to your wedding, ALL of us"

My sister burst into tears and if anybody heard my sister cry you will know what a terrifying site and sound that is.  Snot was running, tears were running and lots of inaudible words were coming out of her mouth together with spit and a bit of left over bread.  It was a sight to see and hear.  Recording that was not an option at all.

The end result is I committed my whole family to this London trip.

All I could think of was "Oh Fokit"  What have I just done.  I ran to the toilet and had my own tjank, because I knew that this was going to cost me an arm and a leg.

My next blog will be all about the planning for this trip.

Hold on to your seats, grab a cup of tea while I grab a Tequila.


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